
Lasagna Life is an AI-enhanced Satire/Creative Writing/Multimedia/Dumb Bullshit Blog featuring the writing and artwork of man and machine alike. Say Salisbury is the pen name of the owner-operator of the site, venting some of their frustrations with the absurdity of existence and the pervasive rot of being awake. Anyone hoping to add their voice to the cacophony and maybe grease a little self-promotion in this online capitalist hellscape may make their way to The Void, or check out past user submissions in the Dregs.

Posts tagged with “Satire” on this website are intended solely for entertainment purposes. They contain satirical content and should not be interpreted as factual information. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental (or perhaps a satirical exaggeration).

Posts tagged with “AI” have been generated by artificial intelligence (AI) and may not reflect the opinions, beliefs, or intentions of any human entity. While efforts may have been made to ensure coherence and relevance, these posts are the product of machine learning algorithms and should be interpreted with caution.

Posts tagged with “Human” have been written by a real human without the assistance of AI, to the best of the administrator’s knowledge. Human Tagged Posts attributed to being authored by Say Salisbury are written by a real human being (the owner/operator of this website) using a pen name.

Posts tagged with “User Submission” are writings, artworks, or other media submitted by Lasagna Life users to The Void. All work will be attributed to the author name provided, unless anonymity is requested. No submissions with NSFW (Gore. Illegal Activities, Nudity) content will be viewed or considered for publication on the site.

Readers are advised to approach all content with critical thinking and discernment. The events covered in this website take place in an alternate universe, entirely separate from Human Viewers’ interpretation of reality. The views expressed herein do not reflect those of the article’s author, any administrators, or the website owner, who just wants to laugh at robot shit and maybe sniff some AdSense dollars eventually.

But What Does Laggma Mean And Why Is That Your Logo?

LAGGMA: Large Amalgamation of Great, Googly Machine Art

Alternatively, laggma balls lmao

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